According to several vacation experts, Steve’s garage is a great place to spend some time this summer.

15 Amazing Places to Spend a Summer Vacation

LOS ANGELES, CA – As people across the country start planning their summer vacations, The Scoop News has reached out to travel industry experts for a list of this year’s top summer vacation destinations.

Kentucky Senate passed a law that will make it illegal for a trans woman to give a man an erection.

Kentucky Passes Law to Stop Trans Women from Giving Men Erections

FRANKFORT, KY – The Kentucky Senate has passed a new bill making it illegal for trans women to give men erections.

Beginning next season, every visible surface will be covered in ads.

NHL to Cover Every Available Surface in Advertisements

TORONTO, CANADA – The NHL announced that starting next year advertising will be added to every available spot on the ice, boards, and uniforms.

Remembering Those We Lost in 2023

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – As the new year dawns, it’s time to look back on those we lost in 2023. The Scoop News has decided to honor some of The Scoop News Staff that passed away last year in brief memoriam.

10 Things People Don't Know About Dean in Accounting

ATLANTA, GA – It may seem as though Dean Jeffries in accounting is an open book but there are many things about Jeffries that many people do not know. To that end, The Scoop News has identified 10 things about Jeffries that people may find surprising.

Jason Strooper has no joy or laughter in his life as he no longer finds Buzzfeed article funny.

Buzzfeed Article Proves Local Man Has No Joy in His Life

MISSOULA, MT – Thanks to a recent article on the click bait website BuzzFeed, Jason Strooper has realized that he may not have any more joy left in his life.

Most members of Gen Z are not planning on having children because "fuck that".

Study: Gen Zers Do Not Want Children Because "Fuck That"

PITTSBURGH, PA – A new study out of the University of Pittsburgh shows that a large majority of Generation Z is not planning to have children because “fuck that.”

A research team at Stanford University has found the gene that forces truck owners to back in to parking spots.

Scientists Identify Gene Responsible for Making Truck Owners Back into Parking Spots

STANFORD, CA – Researchers at Stanford University have identified the gene responsible for making Pickup Truck owners back in to parking spaces.

Local Mother Mentally Preparing Herself for Mother's Day Disappointment

SPOKANE, WA – A local mother has begun preparing herself for the inevitable disappointment of Mother’s Day.

Jason Mitchell doesn't recognize any bands performing at the upcoming Dessert Days music festival.

Local Man Doesn't Recognize Music Festival Bands

PHOENIX, AZ – A local man was saddened by the realization that he did not know, nor had heard of, any bands that are scheduled to play a local music festival.

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