Phillip Staal is still waiting for everyone that received the COVID vaccine to die so he can be right about his conspiracy theory.

Local Conspiracy Theorist Still Waiting to be Right About COVID Vaccine

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Local conspiracy theorist says he is patiently waiting to be correct about the COVID vaccine killing millions.

Facebook U will offer Facebook users the chance to obtain degrees in "research," "whataboutism," and "Foreign Policy."

Facebook Launches Degree Program to Validate Facebook Users’ Posts, Comments

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Beginning next month, Facebook will begin offering degree and postgraduate degree programs to Facebook users.

Pfizer has developed a new Valentine's Day double-sided syringe for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer Releases Double-sided Valentine's Day COVID Vaccine

NEW YORK, NY – In advance of Valentine’s Day, Pfizer has released a new double-sided COVID-19 vaccination needle that will allow a couple to vaccinate each other at the same time.

Bill Gates says people should focus on the good aspects of being implanted with a microchip rather than worrying about the presence of a microchip.

Gates Suggests People Focus on Positive Impacts to Possible Microchips in COVID Vaccines

MILWAUKEE, WI – Bill Gates addressed the conspiracy theories about the presence of microchips in COVID-19 vaccines by saying people are missing the positive aspects of the hypothetical implanted microchips.

Father Unwilling to Accept Son is Terrible at Sports

DALLAS, TX – Local father John Mansinni is slowly coming to terms with the fact that his son, John Jr, is a terrible athlete.

New Warning System Alerts Americans To Skank Level

WASINGTON, DC – The Department of Health and Human Services has issued a statement and simultaneously released a new warning system to track threats posed by skanks. The new system comes just weeks before the spring skank increase experienced annually in America’s warmer climates.

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