NRA Members, Anti-gun Protestors Yell Words

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ATLANTA, GA – Just days after a mass shooting in a Louisiana movie theater, anti-gun advocates and members of the NRA faced off in another round of debates about gun control.

“Guns! Guns guns guns guns. Guns! More guns,” said some scared, white-ass member of the NRA. “Guns! Guns guns guns guns guns more guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns! GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!”

The lazy, anti-gun wusses who are all talk and will never get off their ass and do anything about the situation said something about how this most recent mass shooting is more proof for something.

“No guns! Bad guns! No no no no no no no!” said the lazy, white urban liberal who won’t do anything about the situation. “No more guns! No guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns no guns. No! No! No guns! No! Never! Nerver! Nerverer! No guns!”

Protestors from each side of the gun control issue gathered outside the Louisiana state capital building the day after the shooting to yell things at each other.

“Guns. More guns. All guns! Every gun,” said some dick in a confederate flag shirt and a pick up with an NRA sticker on it. “Guns! Guns! More more more more more more guns guns guns! GUNS! God guns god guns guns guns guns more guns guns guns fucking Obama! Guns! More more guns! More!”

“No guns. No more guns. No guns for no one,” said a white man with a pony tail who drove to the capital building in his Prius. “No no no no no no guns. Too many guns. Destroy guns. No guns no no no death no no no no no no Obama no no guns no no no no guns no guns. Guns! No guns!”

Although the protests on both sides died down within days of the shooting, the assholes from the NRA and the lazy, wusses from the anti-gun movement will continue the debate next month after another mass shooting with will most certainly occur.


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