Study Finds Space Smells Bad


HOUSTON, TX – On Tuesday, NASA announced that data collected on the latest space shuttle Discovery mission reveals that while space may be an infinite vacuum, it does have a distinctive smell.
“Here all this time we thought that smell could not exist in a vacuum, but apparently we were wrong,” said Discovery Astronaut Bill Gabriel. “If I had to describe it, I would say that it smells like a mixture of bubble gum and sulfur. You know, kinda on the sweet side, but it’s got a really nasty bite.”
The odor, which was long thought to be a by product of shuttle engines is described as “the most disgusting thing on Earth.”
“Seriously, I thought that (Astronaut Arthur) Williams just had really bad gas,” Gabriel said. “Either that or he just smelled bad. You know how some people just smell, no matter what they do to cover it up? I thought that’s what it was. But nope, turns out it was space. Who would have thought?”
NASA official are now working around the clock to synthesize the smell, so that the common public can experience the smell of space.


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