Old Man Remembers Blizzard That Never Happened


DENVER, CO – One of the worst blizzards in Colorado history was nothing compared to the blizzard of 1934 as remembered by local man Wally Nesmith, 92.

“(This year’s blizzard) ain’t nothing,” Nesmith said. “I remember standing up on the roof of my house in Arvada and looking eye-to-eye with a snow drift 24 foot tall. It was the most snow the world has ever seen. So much snow that Eskimos came down to take everything over. But we stopped those chubby little bastards.”

Although no blizzard of 1934 has been verified by any other source, Nesmith is confident that it was much worse than anyone but him can remember.

“I think a lot of people just blacked it out of their memory because it was so bad,” Nesmith said. “I remember it like it was yesterday. I had to kill three people that winter to survive.”


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