Study Examines Hooker Hotel Connection


CHICAGO, IL – In a recent study conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA), it was shown that 98% of all hotel rooms in America have been used by prostitutes.
“You know, we always assumed that the number was high, like in the 80s, but we never dreamed that it would be this high,” said AAA president Chuck Williams. “I mean, in our entire study we only found 17 rooms that did not have any hooker activity. I mean, it is pretty astounding when you think about it. Kinda disgusting, but astounding none the less.”
In the study, AAA sent out surveys to every registered hotel and motel in the country, asking that the surveys be placed in each room. The survey contained only three questions: 1) What is your Reason for Staying in this room? 2) How many nights will you be staying? 3) How many of those nights will you be having sex with a prostitute in this room?
After a year of collecting results, representatives from AAA ended the study and complied the results.
“It was a rousing success, no pun intended,” Williams said. “In the years time we received over seven million responses to our survey, and I can tell you we were shocked. I guess it just goes to show you that when people are in a hotel room, they’ll probably be banging a hooker at some point.”


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