Edward R. Murrow School Renamed to BuzzFeed


SPOKANE, WA – Washington State University announced last week that it will be renaming the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication to BuzzFeed College of Clickbaiting.

“It is our esteemed honor to announce that, at the beginning of the 2018 fall school year, the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication will be renamed BuzzFeed College of Clickbaiting,” said WAS Ombudsman, Craige Gershman. “The renaming is in line with Washington State University’s commitment to the future and to needs of our incoming students. You won’t believe these 10 changes we will be making.”

The name change was announced after receiving a sizeable donation from BeezFeed co-founder Jonah Peretti.

“Yes, if we had not received the donation we would not have renamed the school,” said WAS assistant to the President, Greta Klingaman. “But we do feel this makes sense in today’s world. Look, find me anyone under the age of 25 that knows who Edward R. Murrow is and I’ll give you $100. Also, I’ll give you $100 if you find me anyone under the age of 25 that doesn’t read BuzzFeed or a BuzzFeed knock-off. But it doesn’t matter, journalism is fucking long dead anyway.”


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