Local College Student Preparing "Coming Out" Speech

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College student Dylan Grayson has been preparing a speech to give to his parents about his sexuality.
College student Dylan Grayson has been preparing a speech to give to his parents about his sexuality.
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AUSTIN, TX – Anticipating an emotionally difficult winter break, Brown University freshman Dylan Grayson is preparing a speech to let his parents know he’s gay. The Winter school break will be the first time Grayson has seen his parents since the school year started in August and according to Grayson, his parents are unaware of his homosexuality.

“When I left for school I had a girlfriend so my parents probably think I’m straight,” said Dylan Grayson. “Me coming out of the closet will totally kill them. They will be so upset. They probably won’t be able to handle it. My dad will probably disown me and my mom won’t be able to stop crying. They’ll probably kick me out of the house. But I’ve got to be true to myself. I can’t hide in this shell any longer. I’ve got to be free. I’ve got to be free and if my parent’s can’t deal with that, then, I’ll probably cry, but I’ll make it through.”

Dylan Grayson said he didn’t know he was gay until he met a group of other gay students. After spending some time with the other gay students, Grayson came to the realization that he too, was gay.

“I’d never really thought that I would be gay until I started hanging out with Ray (Stetson), Andre (Zudou) and Blake (Hull),” said Grayson. “But now I’m totally gay. Well, I haven’t had sex with another man… yet. I will. You know. I really want to but… I’m just not ready yet. But I’ve made out with another guy. I’m just sick of people judging me for being gay and treating me like an outcast. Like my parents will when they find out I’m gay.”

Although Dylan Grayson has known he is gay for several months, he has yet to tell his parents because he feels the conversation should happen face to face.

“I can’t tell my parents I’m gay over the phone,” said Dylan Grayson. “News like that, news that shocking should be done face to face and I know that. So I’ve been writing down what I’m going to say for the last couple weeks. I’m going to start off with a poem by John Ashbery. And I plan on playing Handle’s Messiah in the background while I deliver my speech. I want this to be important and I want to convey the right emotions so I’m going to drown out the world so Mom and Dad only hear what I want them to hear.”

Dylan Grayson’s parents, Ruth and Allen, said they are excited to see Dylan and can’t wait to hear what he has to say about his first semester away at college.

“Dylan’s a good kid,” said Ruth Grayson. “Sometimes he gets caught up in things and totally dedicates himself but… he’s a good kid. Last year he came home and told us that he was joining the NAACP. That’s our Dylan. Always has his heart in the right place. I just hope things won’t be too uncomfortable for him since his girlfriend Rachel broke up with him a couple months ago. He was really in love with her. But that’s young people today. Always looking for something else.”


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