Actor Gets "Big Break" After Network News Debut
Published June 2000 0 Comments | Share:
SAN FRANCISCO, CA- It was a classic example of being in the right place at the right time and now a local aspiring actor has finally landed himself in the big time.
For waiter/actor, Eric Christian, 22, the time or the place couldn’t have been any better.
“Man, it was so cool. I mean I wasn’t even expecting it. I just got up there, performed my best, and it was over,” Christian said. “Then two days later I get this call from this producer, he said that he saw my work and he thinks that I have the right look for his next picture. Man this is so cool! I mean I am like whoa!”
Christian’s big break came during the taping of “Channel 2: News You Can Use.” A segment was being transmitted live from a local hangout, Jackson’s Hole, where Christian and a friend just happened to be having a “boys night out.”
“I just saw the camera and I thought, ‘this is my chance.’ So I gathered together my nerves that were just going like ahhhhhh, and got out of my seat and went for it,” Christian said.
The scene that Christian chose to portray was one of his favorite skits from “RENT,” where several “hooligans” perform zany actions behind the television reporter. In this case though, Christian stared as all the characters, excluding the reporter.
Shortly after the live feed began, Christian made his television debut as he casually walked into the picture behind Channel 2 reporter, Lindsey Newton. But the innocent act didn’t last long. After pretending to have just noticed the camera, Christian started his act by doing some character building exercises like jumping up and down and waving his arms above his head. Then he broke into an improvisational dance, that culminated with his ripping off of the shirt much like Brandi Chastain in the Women’s World Cup.
Christian, out of breath from his impressive performance, then bowed to the camera, gave the metal sign, and exited stage left. The scene was television history in the making. Producer John Abraham saw the performance and was convinced that Christian was perfect for his upcoming project.
“The kid has that look, you know, much like a poutier Brad Pitt. Well I saw him and I knew I had to have him,” Abraham said. “I found out who he was, called him up and signed him to a 3 picture deal. Look for his screen debut next month in ‘Another Man’s Fist: The Vaseline Connection.’”