Local Black Man Sick of Explaining He Doesn’t Like Rap

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SEATTLE, WA – Russell Fischer, a 28-year-old black man from Olympia, says he is tired of explaining why he does not like rap music even though he is, in fact, a black man.

“If I have to explain to one more person that yes, I am black, and no, I don’t like rap music… I’m just going to go completely crazy,” said Fischer. “I basically have to tell every single person that I know that I don’t like rap at least once a month. People just don’t get it. They can’t process it. I could tell them that I like to kill rabbits and eat their still-beating hearts and it would still be easier for people to understand than me not liking rap.”

According to Fischer, he has to explain that he doesn’t like rap music, even though he is black, at least 10 times a week.

“I know for the most part people don’t mean anything by it and they are just looking to connect with me on a personal level but I’m getting tired of people coming up to me and asking me what I think of the new Kanye (West) song or the new… I don’t know, Lil Wayne song,” said Fischer. “Just because I’m black doesn’t mean I like rap music. I don’t like rap, or jazz, or blues or even pop music. I like classical and that’s about it. I will admit that sometimes I like a little Lionel Ritchie, but hey, who doesn’t?”

Fischer said he doesn’t think people are being racist, ignorant or trying to incite a reaction by assuming he likes rap.

“I think people just want to talk to me and people aren’t being racist so much as stereotyping,” said Fischer. “I’m a quiet guy so people probably think ‘hey, I’ll go talk to Russell about that new rap song I just heard.’ Then I tell them I’m not in to rap and I get a look like I just told them I was an alien. But a couple weeks later they come right back to me and ask me what I think of the new Jay-Z song.”

Despite direct conversations with him, Fischer’s friends remain confused about whether or not he likes rap music.

“(Fischer) doesn’t like rap? Really? That’s so… weird,” said Pete Robbins, Fischer’s longtime friend. “But he’s black. Right? I mean, we are talking about Russell Fischer, right? For some reason I just thought he liked rap. But you are saying he doesn’t like rap. But come on, who doesn’t like the Wu-tang Clan? I wonder if Russell likes the Wu-Tang clan. I’m gonna go ask him.”

In order to help people remember that he doesn’t like rap music, Fischer has started wearing a shirt that says “I don’t like rap.”

“(The shirt) hasn’t helped,” said Fischer. “I don’t know what else to try. Maybe I should just start listening to rap.”

When asked if Fischer likes rap music he responded simply “really? You too, huh?”


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