$900 Million Movie Footage Destroyed
Published April 2012 0 CommentsHOLLYWOOD, CA – The footage for the 900 million dollar movie “Touching Orion’s Belt,” was lost as the spacecraft that filmed the movie caught fire while traveling through Earth’s atmosphere.
“Thankfully, our cast and crew arrived safely in Houston hours before the incident,” said Regina Williams, producer of the first movie to ever be filmed in space. “There is no way of knowing if this (filming in the Milky Way) will ever be attempted again.”
The star of the film, Jeff Goldblum, was not available for comment. His co-star, a new actress, with an unimportant name was moved to tears. “I was up there for six years,” sobbed the blonde, who weighs 110 lbs and stands 5’6”. “The most incredible thing was what we had to do for self-care. I had two chimpanzees doing my hair for the takes. And you know, there is like, zero sunshine in space. It was such an incredible time of my life, and it is all lost…”
I-10 Studio Productions has not commented on their current financial standing or whether the tremendous loss will cause them to sell their space ships.