Local Conspiracy Theorist Still Waiting to be Right About COVID Vaccine
Published July 2024COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Local conspiracy theorist says he is patiently waiting to be correct about the COVID vaccine killing millions.

Old, White Man Nostalgic for Time When He Only Had to Hate One Thing
Published June 2024BROOKHAVEN, GA – A local old, white man is feeling nostalgic for a time when he only had to hate one thing instead of almost everything.

15 Amazing Places to Spend a Summer Vacation
Published April 2024LOS ANGELES, CA – As people across the country start planning their summer vacations, The Scoop News has reached out to travel industry experts for a list of this year’s top summer vacation destinations.

Republicans Turn to GOPnlyFans to Raise Funds for Election
Published March 2024WASHINGTON, D.C. –Republicans running for seats in the Senate and House of Representatives have turned to a new website to help in fundraising efforts – GOPnlyFans.

Dawn Releases New Dish Soap for Men
Published January 2023CINCINNATI, OH – In an effort to appeal to men, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is releasing a new Dawn Dish Soap made specifically for men.

Local 22-Year-Old Was Definitely Going to Vote but Like… Stuff Came Up
Published October 2022PORTLAND, OR – A local 22-year-old woman admits she did not vote in the recent election despite having every intention of doing so.
Buffalo Wild Wings to Replace All Chairs with Toilets
Published September 2022COLUMBUS, OH – The restaurant and sports bar chain Buffalo Wild Wings will be making a major change to all existing locations over the next six months, replacing all chairs and barstools with continuous flow toilets.

Texas Law Makes It Illegal to Make a White Man Uncomfortable
Published April 2022AUSTIN, TX – Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a new law that makes it illegal to make a white man feel uncomfortable in any way.
Local Man Reveals He Is A Russian Foreign Policy Expert
Published March 2022BOULDER, CO – Local man, Matt Crellio, has revealed to coworkers that in addition to being an expert in virology he is also an expert in foreign policy with specific focus on Russia.

Adult Stores Struggle with Inventories as Social Distancing Eases
Published May 2021SALT LAKE CITY, UT – Adult stores across the country are dealing with inventory issues as Americans become vaccinated against COVID-19 and the need for social distancing is rapidly decreasing.