Local Woman Wants to Be Called by Her Name Instead of "Caleb's Girlfriend"
Published February 2025 0 Comments | Share:
SEATTLE, WA – A local woman says she is frustrated with constantly being referred to as “Caleb’s girlfriend” instead of her name.
“I am more than just Caleb’s girlfriend and I just would like it if people called me by my name instead of just ‘Caleb’s girlfriend.’ I am my own person,” said Caleb’s girlfriend. “I don’t want to just be ‘Caleb’s girlfriend.’ I want to be me. And it’s not like my name is hard to remember. I have the same name as his sister so it’s not like people don’t remember my name.”
Caleb’s girlfriend said she didn’t mind being called “Caleb’s girlfriend” instead of her name when the couple first started dating.
“When we were first dating it was kinda cute,” said Caleb’s girlfriend. “It was kinda sweet and romantic to be introduced as ‘Caleb’s girlfriend’ and for people to call me ‘Caleb’s girlfriend’ but now after nine months and two weeks and three days it just like… I have a name you know?”
In the nine months that Caleb and his girlfriend have been dating, Caleb’s girlfriend says she has not been called by her name.
“Everyone calls me ‘Caleb’s girlfriend,’ and I mean, like, everyone,” said Caleb’s girlfriend. “My parents have even started calling me ‘Caleb’s girlfriend. What the hell? They’ve introduced me to new people as Caleb’s girlfriend, it’s really weird and frustrating.”
Although she wants people to begin using her name, Caleb’s girlfriend says it has nothing to do with Caleb and her feelings for him.
“Caleb is a sweet guy and I don’t want people to think that me wanting people to call me by my name has anything to do with Caleb. It totally doesn’t,” said Caleb’s girlfriend. “But the thing is, I can see this relationship going on, and at some point I don’t want to move from being Caleb’s girlfriend to Caleb’s wife.”
Caleb says he was unaware that his girlfriend had become upset that people were only referencing her as “Caleb’s girlfriend” but he says he supports her and has asked the people he knows to refer to her by her name.
“I think my girlfriend is just… just the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” said Caleb. “When I realized that she wasn’t happy about just being known as my girlfriend I made sure to tell everyone that she really wants people to use her name… whatever that is. I mean, of course I know her name, but I just prefer to call her ‘Baby’ or ‘Sweetie.’ But I’ve totally told everyone that I know to start calling her by her name.”
Despite the fact that she is only being referred to as Caleb’s girlfriend, Caleb’s girlfriend has no intention of ending the relationship.
“Yeah, it’s annoying, but I suppose there are worse things that I could be referred to as,” said Caleb’s girlfriend. “I mean they could call me ‘that bitch,’ so I mean that’s a positive thing that they don’t do that. Right? I mean with my last boyfriend I was known as ‘that stupid whore that Pete’s banging for now.’ So yeah, things could be worse.”