“Jessie” Stars Round Out Star Wars VII Cast

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HOLLYWOOD, CA – With the filming set to begin in a few months, Disney has finally revealed the cast for the highly anticipated Star Wars Episode VII.

Over the last few moths casting rumors have ramped up, but know, The Scoop News has the official cast.

“There have been a lot of names thrown out there for the main stars in the movie,” said director J.J. Abrams. “But really, they were so far off on the cast. Not that I did anything to dispel the rumors, he-he, but I really wanted the cast to be a surprise. So no, Gary Oldman and Benedict Cumberbatch are not in the movie. But do you know who is? The entire cast of the TV show ‘Jessie.’ And I can tell you, I have never been more… excited to make a movie.”

‘Jessie,’ which can be seen on the Disney Channel, follows the adventures of a young girl, Jessie, who moves from Texas to New York City. In New York, Jessie gets hired as a nanny and has lots of crazy escapades. The show has been very popular amongst the preteen (ages nine to 12) demographic for the last four seasons.

“Debby Ryan, who plays Jessie is going to play D’arna, a young Jedi who moves from Tatooine to the Jedi temple on Taris,” Abrams said. “When she arrives, she’s put in charge of a group of younglings, which includes the children of Luke Skywalker and Leia Solo. Form there, the kids move from one series of misadventures to another. It’s really going to be great. We’ve even got a role for Mrs. Kipling, the lizard. I don’t want to spoil it, but it’s really great.”

With the casting of established Disney stars, some casting agents have begun to speculate that Disney forced Abrams to hire the young stars.

“Now I know what a lot of people are thinking… that Disney made me cast these kids,” Abrams said. “But I can tell you they did not. I mean, not expressly. They told us we can either use Jessie or Lab Rats and have you seen that show? Holy Christ is it bad. I mean 100 times worse than Jessie. So Jessie it is! And I can tell you, I cannot be more happy with that choice. Seriously, Lab Rats is terrible.”

In addition to the speculation about Abrams being forced to cast the stars, some critics are questioning the move wondering if the stars will have appeal beyond the preteen demographic.

“I’m not sure anyone that isn’t a nine-year-old girl will want to see this film and, well, nine-year-old girls aren’t exactly the Star Wars demographic,” said film critic Gregory Landesy. “I’m not sure the studio gets nerds. But maybe they do. They’ve done well with the Marvel films”

Disney Studios released a statement saying “(Disney) couldn’t be more excited and we are looking to expand the Star Wars universe in exciting new ways. Especially with young girls that can talk their parents in to spending millions to see the same thing over and over and over.”


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