An old, white man has expressed nostalgia for a time when he didn't have to hate so many things.

Old, White Man Nostalgic for Time When He Only Had to Hate One Thing

BROOKHAVEN, GA – A local old, white man is feeling nostalgic for a time when he only had to hate one thing instead of almost everything.

According to several vacation experts, Steve’s garage is a great place to spend some time this summer.

15 Amazing Places to Spend a Summer Vacation

LOS ANGELES, CA – As people across the country start planning their summer vacations, The Scoop News has reached out to travel industry experts for a list of this year’s top summer vacation destinations.

The NRA has sent cards to all high school graduates congratulating them on making it through school without getting shot and killed.

NRA Congratulates High School Grads Who Somehow Made It to Graduation Without Getting Killed

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The National Rifle Association has sent congratulation cards to all graduating, American high school students congratulating them for making it through school without falling victim to gun violence.

Broadcasters and sports writers have compared Caitlin Clark’s accomplishments to every single male athlete ever.

Woman’s Athletic Accomplishments Immediately Compared to Every Male Athlete’s Accomplishments

DES MOINES, IA – After a record-breaking collegiate career, woman’s college basketball player Caitlin Clark’s accomplishments have been compared to the accomplishments of every male athlete ever.

Remembering Those We Lost in 2023

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – As the new year dawns, it’s time to look back on those we lost in 2023. The Scoop News has decided to honor some of The Scoop News Staff that passed away last year in brief memoriam.

One fun and easy holiday costume is to dress up as a naughty snowman.

Expert Offers Seven Winter Holiday Costume Ideas

LOS ANGELES, CA – To assist those still in need of a costume, The Scoop News has surveyed a leading holiday expert and gathered a list of fresh and fun costume ideas.

Santa Co. has announced that it will be laying off elves and reindeer as it looks to reduce it's workforce by 30%.

Santa Co. Announces Elf, Reindeer Layoffs

NORTH POLE – Santa Co. has announced that it will be laying off 30% of its workforce to reduce costs in the wake of rising labor and material costs.

10 Things People Don't Know About Dean in Accounting

ATLANTA, GA – It may seem as though Dean Jeffries in accounting is an open book but there are many things about Jeffries that many people do not know. To that end, The Scoop News has identified 10 things about Jeffries that people may find surprising.

Reporter Denise Holman lazily scrolls through Tik Tok as she waits for a new trend to appear.

Local Reporter Sitting Around Waiting for Next Tik Tok Trend to Appear

PHOENIX, AZ – Local reporter Denise Holman is waiting for the next Tik Tok trend to present itself so she can report on it.

The CDC will soon issue new COVID guidance documents that can be used as an excuse to not see family this holiday season.

CDC Reminds Americans COVID Still a Valid Excuse to Not Visit Family

WASHINGTON D.C., – Although severe cases and hospitalizations have decreased in recent months, scientists are the Center for Disease Control (CDC) say that COVID is still a valid excuse to not see relatives at Thanksgiving.

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