The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will tour this year for the first time since 1347.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Reunite, Announce Final Tour

MIAMI, FL – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have announced they are reuniting for one final world tour this year.

Climate scientists have stopped warning people about the dangers of climate change and have started telling people to start working on their bucket lists.

Climate Scientists Now Telling People to Work on Their Bucket Lists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Many leading climate scientists have decided they will stop warning of pending climate catastrophes and will instead suggest everyone “get to work on their bucket list.”

Countries will compete in a new Olympic sport by keeping a balloon from touching the ground.

Summer Olympics Adds New Keep Balloon From Hitting the Floor Sport

PARIS, FRANCE – A new sport will be added to this year’s Summer Olympic games – Keep the Balloon Off the Floor, also known as “Balloon Bop.”

Sudan Looking Forward to Inevitable Delivery of Stanley Cups

KHARTOUM, SUDAN–The people of Sudan say they are looking forward to the pending influx of free Stanley cups as the popularity of the large travel cups has begun to subside in the United States of America.

God Planning to "Wrap It Up" By End of 2024

HEAVEN – During his annual New Year’s Day address to Earth, God said he is planning to “wrap it up” in 2024.

One fun and easy holiday costume is to dress up as a naughty snowman.

Expert Offers Seven Winter Holiday Costume Ideas

LOS ANGELES, CA – To assist those still in need of a costume, The Scoop News has surveyed a leading holiday expert and gathered a list of fresh and fun costume ideas.

Santa Co. has announced that it will be laying off elves and reindeer as it looks to reduce it's workforce by 30%.

Santa Co. Announces Elf, Reindeer Layoffs

NORTH POLE – Santa Co. has announced that it will be laying off 30% of its workforce to reduce costs in the wake of rising labor and material costs.

Zelenskyy Asks Taylor Swift for Help in War Against Russia

KYIV, UKRAINE – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has formally requested military assistance from the world’s largest army – Taylor Swift’s Swifty Army.

Colombia is opening a new ski resort that will allow tourists to both ski on and consume cocaine.

Colombia Opens Ski Resort Using Cocaine Instead of Snow

BOGOTA, COLOMBIA – In an effort to draw tourists to the country, Columbia will open it’s first ski resort featuring cocaine rather than snow.

Fans Upset After Toronto Maple Leafs Miss Super Bowl for 57th Time

TORONTO, CANADA – For the 57th consecutive year, the Toronto Maple Leafs will not play in the Super Bowl, frustrating a dedicated and passionate fan base.

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